A Checklist for Moving to a New Apartment

Moving to a new place can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a bit scary, especially if this is your first place.  Maybe you’re finally moving from home out on your own, or maybe you’re ditching the college dorms to move in with friends.  Whatever the case may be, here is a quick list of things to consider as you move into a new apartment.


Understanding Your Lease

The first thing you need to do is sign a lease for your new place.  But before you sign, make sure that you fully understand everything that is a part of it.  For example, how much security deposit do you need to put down, and what at the circumstances for getting it returned?  Also, understand what is included in terms of utilities, and how you can go about getting maintenance if needed.  These are all things you should know before signing.


Setting Up The Essentials

Now that you have your keys, you need to setup your essentials – utilities and more.  Make sure that you get your power and water turned on (if the apartment manager doesn’t do it for you).  Also, make sure that you sign up for services like cable and internet so that it’s ready for when you move in.  Finally, consider getting contents insurance, since the apartment building insurance doesn’t cover your own possessions.




Next comes moving day, when you need to pack everything up and get it moved.  Depending on your situation, you may want movers, or you can trust your friends to move it for you.  There are many services on Craigslist that offer moving services for very reasonable prices, so you can save money and save your back moving heavy items.



Keeping it Up

Finally, you need to make sure that you are maintaining your apartment and keeping it clean so that you can make sure that you get your security deposit back when you move out.  If something doesn’t work, make sure that you let them know as soon as possible.  You don’t want them thinking you broke something, and then make you pay.


This is a guest post.


  1. Leases, contracts and fine print are made so people go ah… where do I sign. One of the most important parts of anything especially when money is involved is to read the contract or simply read anything before you sign. Never feel rushed and if you do then don’t sign. Tell them you need time to review the contract. Great tips. Mr.CBB

  2. I would just caution to be careful when finding help on Craiglist. Many of these workers take their sweet time when helping move with cigarette breaks and talking. We had to really keep on them as they were being paid by the hour.

  3. Thank you.
    Whether you’re packing up your clutter for storage or moving across the country, the process isn’t usually a fun one Marissa. ;)But with a plan we can have a good moving.

  4. The workers at Lincoln Moving and Storage were so professional and so helpful. The staff anticipated and answered many of my questions, and was extremely helpful. Everything especially my paintings were handled with great care. Thank you. You made a sometimes stressful experience a very easy process.

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