How to Manage Your Family Frugally


The current economic conditions dictate that you try to save as much as possible. Though it’s hard, this it’s definitely possible, with a bit of dedication. If you’re looking for financial tips, read on!

1. Gardening
Having a garden for your family may seem like a hard task, but with time, it will prove to be very useful. Cheap, recycled materials can be used to develop the garden.  You can also invite your kids to work with you, if you’re also in need of cheap entertainment. Regardless, you’ll have a wealth of nutritious food at your disposal every year!

2. Meal Management

You need to learn how to manage meals, especially waste. It is unavoidable that you will waste some food, but it’s crucial to remember that every bite wasted is money wasted. Furthermore, many food items can be re-used for different purposes. The coffee you don’t drink in the morning can be put in the fridge, to be served as iced coffee in the evening (which will save you money on refreshments). Orange peels can line the bottom of your garbage can to save money on air fresheners.  Also, remember to serve everyone small portions at dinner. Everyone should, of course, eat to their fill, but smaller portions will allow you to save loads of money and food.

3. Electricity
The electric bills cannot be overlooked, because they can strain your budget in a big way. If you want to make sure that they remain manageable, avoid electrical gadgets that consume a lot of power.  Since some are essential, one good practice is to use renewable sources of energy. Solar power can offer a great method for sorting out your financial problems. This is not only cheap, but environmentally friendly.

4. Entertainment
Entertainment is part of our lives. You will always need more things to do. Just because you have only a little amount of cash, does not mean that you always have to be bored. There are many fun activities that you can engage in with your children that will guarantee fun and lasting memories. Cut up old magazines to make collages. Look for free exercise videos to stream online. Check the newspaper for free local events.

5. Make More Money

Your garage will always have things that you have no use for. Hold a garage sale to have fun and make money. Ask you children to help make posters, which willallow them to practice their creativity without being afraid.


Marissa’s Note: Regardless of whether you live frugal lifestyle because you are in a tight financial situation and want to pay off your debts, start an emergency fund, or want to start investing more, these tips help find an extra bit of cash for that.

Shonda Rogers loves to travel around asia, read and visit


  1. Honest and simple financial tips wish many would just do them to save more and be financially independent.

  2. Good tips Marissa. I think ones of the best ways to get out of debt is the make more money even if its an extra $50 per month. Sometimes, constant frugality will kill your spirit, making money will only inspire you..!

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