On Hobbies That I don’t Have Time For
I normally never post on a Saturday. Mostly because I forget to come up with something on friday night, or spend most of saturday on the hill trying to get better than my brother at snowboarding. The problem with that is that he is a snowboard instructor and I will never be anywhere near as good. But I keep trying because its brother-sister bonding time.
Snowboarding is just one of those hobbies that has consumed at a point in my life. I boxed for 6 years when I was younger, and spent hours getting better. The problem with boxing is that it gives you a false sense of confidence in your strength. I aslo spent a TON on soccer, but was a sport that is “in our blood” as my mom says. My entire family plays and has been since we were 4.
My latest hobby, photography, is one that I can’t get a handle on. I’ve taken classes, and understand the basics, but I can’t handle everything as well I want to. Perhaps its because I don’t practice, or perhaps I’m not artistic enough, either way. Its something that I want to conquer adequately. We have a ton of spring photoshoots lined up for Chic Darling over the next month and I want to be able to produce the best work possible. The thing that got me really excited was that I can buy an entire backdrop and lighting kit from Amazon for under $200!
I wondering if having a studio in my house would be valuable since I can’t work my camera properly, but hey!
Source: stylesweets.com via StyleSweets Magazine on Pinterest
Speaking of photography, are you looking to get a new camera? If so, a few fellow bloggers and I are giving away a DSLR Camera valued at $1,149. You should enter!
The contest is open worldwide, and shipping of up to $50 will be covered.
Thanks to Settlement Structured Settlement Quotes for the prize. They sell annuity payments incase you need that resource.
I know a lot of people who are becoming camera fiends! I’ve never had an artistic eye – or any artistic talents, really! – so I just hire someone to take professional shots of my family, and don’t complain when the pics I do snap lack a certain gusto.
At least you know your talents.
My favorite part of this post is your goal of becoming adequate. Photography is something you enjoy even though you aren’t a “natural” at it. Good for you for continuing with an activity because it is fun and hoping to be simply good enough for yourself. Those two things are what really matters after all.
I know that I’m never going to be winning any awards.
Ah hobbies, so many I’m interested in. So little time. Sometimes you just have to let it go and say ain’t nobody got time fo dat. I like snowboarding, but it’s not something I can do year round 😀 I’m not a great boxer, but I like watching other people box. I looks like one of the hardest sports to be good at because it’s all about skills, techniques, and controlling your body.
You boxed too?
The thing with hobbies is the feeling that you have when you’re doing them. I snowboard and I will probably never be the best on the mountain. But, it’s so much fun!
Yes it is!
What i love about hobbies is that they give you a peace of mind. Instead of giving you stress, they are some form of release.. If there’s so much things that need to get done, a hobby allows you to breathe and relax because there’s no pressure. You should give photography some time.. 😉
Oh, I feel ya – so many hobbies (reading, blogging, baking,music, running, photography…) so little time. Remember hobbies are meant to be fun – too much pressure and you lose sight of what makes them enjoyable in the first place.
Are you taking your camera with you on your trip?
I used to snowboard but it just got too expensive for me. My favorite hobby, beach volleyball CAN be expensive if you take a lot of lessons and do tournaments, which I used to do, but now it’s super cheap because I just play for fun now.
There are lessons for beach volleyball?
Reading is one of my fave hobbies, but I am up to my eyebrows with work and household chores that I would be lucky if I can get to one chapter a night.
What are you reading right now?