Planning a winter break? Make sure you have the right home insurance in place.

High winds, rain, snow and freezing temperatures are all good reasons for making sure you have adequate home insurance in place this winter. Lots of people go away during this season, whether it’s to see relatives over Christmas, a ski holiday in Europe or a trip further afield in search of some sun. But unfortunately, some return to find winter hasn’t been kind to their home and they face the hassle of repairs and replacing furniture.

If you’re not sure you have the right level of cover for your home you can easily get home insurance online quotes. It’s also well worth taking a few precautions before you head off on your travels.

  • Leaving your heating on can be a great way of protecting your pipes from freezing temperatures that can potentially make them burst. The temperature doesn’t have to be left on high – just low enough to prevent the pipes freezing. But be aware, that if your home is to be unoccupied for a long period of time, such as 30 days, you should let your insurer know.
  • It’s worth checking your boiler is working properly before the cold weather starts. The last thing you want is it packing up while you’re away, the heating stopping and your pipes freezing up. You might even want to consider getting it serviced at the beginning of winter.
  • If you have central heating, a quick check of the system can pay dividends. While your boiler might be in good working order, it’s worth knowing the whole heating system is working as it should and there are no blockages.
  • Do a quick check of the tiles on your roof – or get the experts in to do it for you. High winds can easily dislodge tiles and lead to rain getting into your house.
  • Check you don’t have any trees with branches that overhang your house. When the high winds come, it’s quite normal for trees to lose some of their branches and the last thing you want is one of them going through your roof.
  • Check your home and contents insurance  because if the worst happens while you’re away and a pipe bursts for example – you’ll want to know you can replace your damaged furniture without too much hassle.


With a bit of forethought and planning, many home disasters are avoidable. So even if you’re in the middle of the Christmas rush, it’s worth taking a bit of time to double check your home before you go away. And of course, having the right home insurance in place can help to give you real peace of mind.