Shopping around for a new bank account
It is time for me to start exploring new bank account options. The amount of possibilites for a new bank account has grown immensely and it is time for a change.
I have been with Scotia Bank since my relationship BMO ended in a way 7 years ago, and I have loved them the entire time. I have the Scene card and its always a treat when I go to the movies and have free ones to use.
I stopped going to going to movies as often and this perk doesn’t appeal to me as much as before, and since saving money is my primary goal, I think this is the right time.
The sad part is that since I stopped being a student, the lovely student account that I had has changed to a regular chequing account, and the transaction fees are not so customer-friendly.
Thus, I have been looking at ING Direct. I am thinking of using their THRIVE account since it has no fees attached to it and you can even earn interest. Since I am attempting to be a bit more conscious of spending money stupidly, paying fees to my bank needs to be eliminated.
I am a bit torn since I really like going into my bank and dealing with tellers directly in the event that I need something clarified, and ING just cant offer that.
I think what I will do is transition slowly since it is a bit of a pain to open a new account with ING. I am going to keep my ScotiaBank account, since my pay cheques are deposited there and just transfer money to ING for regular transactions, that way the ScotiaBank can become my Emergency Fund.
I did a quick survey of everyone who is currently with PC and the whole virtual banking thing ans it seems to be working out for most people.
I hope that ends up being the smart way to go. Who knew that setting up a new bank account would be this hard or complicated? I miss the days when you picked a bank based on its proximity to you or its giveaway that month.
Does anyone have any good or bad experiences with either that they care to share?