Stress Less: The 5 Least Stressful Jobs of 2014

In today’s society, people are lead to believe that successful careers are stressful careers, but that’s simply not true. In fact, 17 percent of people say their job causes them no stress at all, so it’s possible to find that stress-free dream career.

If you want to lead a stress-free life, consider one of these low-stress jobs, listed in no particular order. Each option comes from’s list of low stress jobs. They earn their ranking from 11 factors, including deadlines, amount of travel, growth potential, competitiveness, physical demands, working in the public eye, hazards encountered, environmental conditions, own life risk, life of another at risk, and meeting the public.


1. Audiologist ranked audiologists as the number one least stressful job of 2014. Audiologists diagnose and treat hearing problems. They make a decent salary at an average of $69,720 per year, and the job outlook is expected to increase by 34 percent from 2012-2022, says The only downside is that it can take you 8 years or more to break into the field since audiologists require a doctoral or professional degree. However, the low-stress environment, whether you’re working in a hospital or a school, is well worth it.

2. Medical Records Technician

Medical records technicians are in charge of keeping up-to-date and accurate records in healthcare settings. They must obtain a post-graduate certificate award or associate’s degree before starting their career, and they make an average of $34,160 annually. The demand for records technicians is growing with the aging population, with a 21 percent expected job growth rate. Individuals in this field find their job rewarding knowing that they’re helping make a difference in the healthcare field.

If you’d like to advance your career, you can pursue graduate nursing degree programs online, where you can become a nurse practitioner and continue to make a difference in people’s lives as you work one-on-one with patients.

3. Tenured University Professor

University professors impact lives in a way many other professionals can’t. They educate students beyond high school and inspire them to greatness, becoming the stepping-stones for many people’s success. Many professors also conduct research, an opportunity that has led to countless ground-breaking discoveries. Postsecondary teachers often need a doctoral level degree–although some professors teach with a masters–and make an average of $68,970 annually.

As a tenured professor, you have stable job security since you can’t be fired under normal circumstances. This gives you the freedom to explore new ways of teaching without fear of losing your job. This freedom coupled with good pay and a strong purpose help make this job stress-free.

4. Dietician

Dieticians educate individuals on how to eat healthy and create plans that address patients’ dietary needs. They may work with individuals looking to lose weight, but they’ll usually help patients with a dietary-related illness, such as diabetes. Dieticians must have a bachelor’s degree and proper certification requirements to practice, and they make around $55,240 per year.

Dietician rank in as stress-free since they have fewer demands put on them in each category the study looked at. What’s more, the field is expected to grow by 20 percent over the next decade. Perhaps one of the largest factors in leaving dieticians stress-free is that they usually live by what they teach, meaning that through their own diet, they become healthier. Research shows that compared to a base group, healthy people are 20 percent happier.

Some dieticians take their education even further and work towards their Master of Science in Nutrition Education. As with any other career, having an advanced level of education can improve job prospects and lead to better paying positions. When taking master’s degree courses in this subject, students will learn nutrition education methods, health communication, and strategies in weight control, each of which can help when out in the field working with patients. An increasing number of dieticians are choosing to upgrade to a master’s degree online because of the additional skills and credentials that it provides.

5. Jeweler

Jewelers have the unique opportunity to work in an intricate art, manufacturing and repairing precious stones, metals, and jewelry pieces. They help people make life-changing decisions by designing, creating, and helping individuals pick out engagement and wedding rings. They’ll work with other jewelry pieces and occasions, too, and can keep people’s favorite pieces and family heirlooms lasting longer. You don’t need a college education to become a jeweler, and you can make an average of $35,350 per year.

Compared to the high-stress jobs on CareerCast’s list–including military personnel, airline pilots, and event planners–these low-stress careers come with fewer demands and a better working environment. If you’re aiming to lead a stress-free life, consider one of these career options.




  1. My aunt has been working as Dietician for almost 30 years now. And she said that she really do enjoy her job, she works in one of the hospital and she has a sideline job in the gym. She takes the record of her patient and advises them their ideal weight and proper foods for them.

  2. While I am sure every job on Earth has some level of stress it’s nice to know the ones with the lowest. Often, we are blinded by the dollars we’d earn in a particular job and not realize what we are really giving up. Our health, stress and time. So what if you have a job that pays you $150k a year if you have to work 80 hours a week are in terrible health and can’t enjoy any of your earnings. Less pay/less stress is a good mantra. Of course we all want more pay/less stress. That’s often harder to find 🙂

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