Why My Grandma Doesn’t Have to Leave Her House


My Grandma is 85 years old, and very, very awesome. She’s one of the most independent ladies I know. However, being independent, doesn’t always mean that she can manage on her own. She currently lives in a stunning 3 storey house, and has managed to take care of most of it by herself. We hires out for lawncare, and snow removal, but can do everything else herself. Or at least she could- she’s at the point in her life where climbing 3 sets of stairs multiple times a days is not so easy for her anymore. This is one of the reasons why she considering selling her home and moving into a retirement facility. This is a hard decision of her, as I imagine it would be for everyone involved, but it’s way harder for people who are proud of their independence.

Many people find getting up and down the stairs more difficult and hard work than they once did, but this really need not be the case, you can take away the difficulty and risk of climbing the stairs and make them much easier.

If you find the stairs hard work then this no doubt results in a daily struggle and risk as there is no other option than having to get up and down. Some people have considered moving everything downstairs or even thought of the idea that moving from their house of 20+ years to a bungalow maybe the solution.

The good news is you do not have to struggle nor think about moving home – the answer for many people is a stairlift or through floor home lift. Stairlifts for some reason often have a negative thought but in recent years like most things in life they have advanced – for example, they are slim line and fold away, so anyone else can still easily walk up and down and use the stairs as normal. Installation is also a lot more straight forward than people think, the rail fits to the stairs themselves so no drilling or brackets onto the walls!, and they look just like a small seat, which can even be the same colour as your furniture!. A stairlift or home lift can make life a lot easier and safer and can be installed without any hassle and for less money than you may think.

Why struggle with the stairs? The answer is don’t! For all help and advice on stairlifts and home lifts specialist you can request a free brochure, DVD pack and prices or arrange a free home survey.